Saturday, June 30, 2007

Chilling in København

Well, its been about a week since I arrived in Copenhagen. So far its been pretty nice. The best part, obviously :) has been that Tanne and I have been able to spend a lot of time together. We both had an exam at the end of the week, hers a final oral exam for sociology, mine a mid-term for the online political science course I'm doing (Global Conflict and the Middle East), so we spent a fair bit of time being studious......
Now, both exams are finished, so the fun begins :) We will be leaving tommorow for a huge music festival that takes place yearly in Denmark. The Roskilde festival is an 8 day camping marathon with close to 80,000 people and some of the best bands in the world. (check the band list at ). It is going to involve much partying, and from what I hear, lots of beer. (The danes drink a lot!!!! :)
I will be bringing my camera, so be sure to check my pics page in about a week and a half to get an idea of how it was. Lets hope that the weather isnt completely horrible!!!


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