Thursday, April 24, 2008

Last Exam tommorow!

I write my last exam of my bachelor degree tommorow morning. How do I feel about this you may ask? Good. I am glad to be finished with my degree at Concordia. I feel that I am ready to move on to something different; something more challenging.

I will have 10 days in Montreal before I move to Ottawa. I am so lucky that my friend Mike and his girlfriend are coming up from T.O. to help me in the move. I can only imagine the difficulties of trying to move by bus or train. Thanks dude! I start at the EDC on May 5th, very soon after I arrive. I am really excited about this. It's going to be nice to get into the working world, to earn some money and do something interesting. I am also looking forward to Ottawa. I plan to buy myself a nice bike and get outside of the city often to do some touring. I have friends in the area, so I will be okay.

I hope to do a lot of outdoor activities this summer. I want to get out camping, kayaking, canoeing, etc, etc. I think Ottawa is a good place to be for all this stuff so I am happy.

I also hope to go to both T.O. and Montreal often during the summer. I have my baby niece in Toronto who I hope to see as much as I can. I also have friends here in Montreal that I want to keep in touch with....This is going to mean lots of Via trips!! Maybe i'll get enough preference points to make a cross-country trip later in the year :)

Wish me luck on my exam tommorow!!!

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