Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Craziness here at the ESC Lille!!!! We are in the middle of the elections for the student councils here at the school, so things are getting pretty intense! The way that campaigns are run here are like nothing I have ever experienced before....

There are two competing councils for the BDE "Bureau d'entertainment" so each one has to organize a bar night for the school....These bar nights are in fact open bars, tickets are 5euros and one is able to drink as much as they'd like... :)

I went to one last night as I've been told over and over that these nights are something not to be missed, an integral part of the exchange was definitely fun, a new experience one could say. I personally didn't drink too too much, but it was funny to see how drunk people got as the night progressed. I think that even by 11:30pm there was puke on the floor, not a good sign!! A little gross, a little crazy, but all in all a good time.

School is getting pretty busy now too. I think I've got 3 projects on the go now, so my schedule is getting a little bit more busy now...Im going to Germany next week to meet with an old friend from Centennial College, Anna, who is working there (a small city called Flensburg north of Hamburg) and Tanne will be coming down from Copenhagen to spend the weekend with us as well. Tanne has been battling pneumonia for the past week or two, so Im really hoping that she is feeling better by then and is able to come!!

Updates on that trip to come for all you loyal readers....


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