Saturday, March 24, 2007

Hey there!

My posts will unfortunately not include any pics for the next while as my computer has mysteriously decided to die on me :) Thats what you get with a 300$ ebay special I

It's been pretty stressful here recently with work and school getting pretty busy. Work, my english teaching job, has been pretty interesting. I'm teaching three adults who are pretty much beginners. We did the ABC's, "Head and Shoulders Knees and Toes" song, simon says, etc, etc. Its pretty funny doing this with a group of adults.....

I went to visit my friend Anna in Germany and lives in northern Germany in a border town called Flensburg and her family lives in Denmark. I tried some traditional German food: Pork, Cabbage and Potatoes :) one of the biggest plates of food I've ever seen!! I couldn't even eat half of it. We spent a day in Flensburg touring around, it is a nice little town with a beautful harbor and architecture. We spent the rest of the weekend in southern Denmark with Anna's family . It was a pretty relaxing time, touring around the area and getting to know Anna a little better (we had met once in Canada 4 years ago and have kept in touch through email since) ....overall an excellent weekend....

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