Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I am an Uncle!!

My sister Kim gave birth to a baby girl named Allissa today at around 10am. So I am now officially an uncle :-) I am looking forward to heading back to Toronto to see her...

I also recieved news about an internship in Ottawa over the summer with the EDC (Export Development Canada). It is with the Corporate Outreach Team. The one project that really interests me is the development of a new CSR (corporate social responsibility) mandate for the organization. This means incorporating more environmental and social criteria into EDC's decision-making processes...it means creating a culture of sustainabiltiy and social responsibility. I think this will be really challenging and rewarding!!!

So I am off to Ottawa in 4 weeks. I found myself a sublet in the Ottawa Uni dorm downtown. My apartment will be 2kms from work, so I can walk or bike really easily. It will be my first time living alone which is interesting. I am excited about the prospect, but it will be a big change from the 6 roommates I have now. More privacy, but also less community. I have some friends in Ottawa, and I'm sure i'll meet people through work, so I'll just have to have a lot of dinner parties :) Anyone who wants to come visit is more than welcome!!!

I will be graduating school in 3 weeks, which is maybe even more exciting! It's been nearly 3 years here in Montreal, so it is tough to leave. It is going to be tough leaving friends and a city that I really love. But at the same time, opportunity is calling, so i've gotta move on. I will have a welcoming place to visit whenever I have the chance :)

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