Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall Colours, change in the air...

Fall is in full swing, leaves changing colour. Is this not one of the most beautiful times of the year?

I love the fall harvest! I am lucky to have a great farmers market right across the street from me. Today I went and bought a nice Butternut Squash, some onions, apples, cabbage and other delicious fall veggies...I am not trying to strategize some recipes to use it all :)

Bracing for winter? It is definitely on the way. Below zero in the mornings, I am now wearing a toque and mits for my daily bike commute. I am going to have to break out my 'beater' bike and begin getting it ready for winter time. Am I crazy to expect that I will be able to ride throughout the winter? My ride is only about 10 minutes in good times, so that shouldn't be an issue. The worst part will be the logistics of wearing all sorts of winter gear and having to change into my work clothes....a logistical issue really....

Another thing is trying to keep myself socially active once the cold arrives. It will be difficult to motivate myself to leave my place when its freezing cold out....I'll survive though, and maybe even be happy doing it too...

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